The collection page template in the editor allows you to control the appearance of the products in each collection. you can choose to have it wrapped in the container show tags or not show the filters and the ability to sort, which makes it easier for customers to find products that are most relevant. You also have control over how the page scrolls to show more products. With infinite scroll as the customer scrolls down more products are automatically loaded onto the screen as opposed to the conventional method which is clicking next page We also have the following settings Show/hide collection title Heading size, margins(spacing), and alignment Show/hide subheading Adjust subheading alignment, spacing and margins Collection image settings Show/hide Alignment and sizing Image crop (focal point) With/without border Product settings Align all text to the center Show/hide product title Show/hide discount badges Show/hide product price Show/hide from text Adjust spacing under product prices Show/hide add to cart form (displays variants and add to cart button) Show/hide quantity selector on the add to cart form Show/hide available inventory on the add to cart form Enable/disable quickview functionality Product title size Product title margin bottom (space below the title) Product image settings Adjust height and width of images Product image crop (choose where on the image to focus) Enable/disable borders Enable/disable circle shape Hover effect Spacing settings Adjust the top and bottom margins (spacing) of the section Adjust horizontal and vertical gutter (spacing between the products) *Product filters* for this to work, you need to assign products tags with __ in them